As a mother of a 4 year old and a 12 year old, I have seen firsthand how mobile devices and technology can negatively impact children if not managed appropriately.

Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

It’s understandable why kids are drawn to phones, tablets, and video games – they provide instant gratification and entertainment. However, excessive screen time has been linked to issues like shorter attention spans, anxiety, sleep troubles, and struggles with communication and social skills.

I’ve noticed my own children get irritable, distracted or bored more easily after long stretches on devices. They have trouble sitting through family board games or focusing on creative play. The constant stream of videos and games conditions their brain to expect instant rewards.

Teenagers especially are vulnerable as social media exposes them to things like bullying, peer pressure, appearance comparisons, and misinformation. Monitoring your child’s online activity is important during these formative years.

As parents, our job is to empower healthy development and learning. I try to set reasonable limits on device time and prioritize more active pursuits like outdoor play, reading, arts and crafts projects, board games, and family time. These activities exercise creativity, patience, social skills and attention in ways videos cannot.

I make an effort to be fully present and engaged when I’m with my kids. We have heart-to-heart talks where I listen to their thoughts and feelings without distractions. Fostering strong family connections provides children with a sense of security.

While technology will inevitably be part of their world, aiming for balance helps ensure they don’t miss out on the joys of childhood that shaped us. By limiting screen time and making space for creativity, communication and play, we allow our children’s minds and characters to flourish.

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I’m Karla Espinosa, the mother of two: Alex, who will be 5 years old in summer 2024, and Ainhoa, who will turn 12 soon. I’m Mexican, but I live in the beautiful city of Cambridge in the UK.

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