As a mother of two young children, I understand the challenges of raising kids amidst unrealistic media images that can negatively impact self-image. My goal is to nurture my children’s self-confidence from within, not based on others’ opinions.

Photo by Ernest Brillo on Unsplash

I often think about the messages my children receive about their bodies, both at home and from society. Body image issues can start early, so it’s important to me to promote body positivity and combat body shaming.

Recent research shows that children as young as 5 are concerned about body image due to media stereotypes of \”perfect\” bodies. However, true self-worth must come from self-acceptance, not appearance. I strive to be a positive role model by avoiding comments about weight or looks. Instead, I praise effort and kindness.

According to child psychology experts, children start forming ideas about their bodies as young as 3 years old. The verbal and nonverbal cues they get from family, friends, media, and culture shape their body image. As a parent, I try to be aware of how I talk about my own body as well as my children’s. I never comment on weight or appearance in a negative way. Instead, I focus praise on character traits, accomplishments, effort, and healthy behaviors. I also limit exposure to media that portrays narrow beauty standards. When we do watch shows or movies, I point out digitally altered images and discuss how they promote unrealistic expectations, often based on banalities and need for attention.

Building healthy communication habits is key. I make time for one-on-one talks to understand my children’s perspectives. Active listening without judgement makes them feel heard and valued. I gently guide them to recognize their strengths and talk through insecurities. Developing emotional awareness takes patience, but pays off over time.

While peers and media pressures will persist, my wish is that self-love and compassion anchor my children’s core identity. I remind them that all bodies are worthy, and beauty takes many forms. Though the path is long, each small step towards self-acceptance today paves the way for self-confidence tomorrow.

Combating body shaming requires effort from parents, teachers, communities, the government and corporations. But small, daily actions to spread body positivity can make a huge difference to the children in our lives. With open communication, empathy, and role modeling, we can set them up to have healthy body images and self-confidence as they grow.”

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I’m Karla Espinosa, the mother of two: Alex, who will be 5 years old in summer 2024, and Ainhoa, who will turn 12 soon. I’m Mexican, but I live in the beautiful city of Cambridge in the UK.

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